Скачать библиотека spi arduino
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Dating > Скачать библиотека spi arduino
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Импульс длительностью 60 мкс обозначает 0, а длительностью 15 мкс — 1. Управление осуществляется с помощью сдвигового регистра, к которому мы подключились по интерфейсу SPI. Однако эти платы постепенно вытесняются более новой модификацией Arduino LilyPad USB, имеющей встроенный разъем USB. Выгрузка скетча Blink После щелчка на кнопке Upload Загрузка справа внизу в окне Arduino IDE появится индикатор выполнения, отражающий ход компиляции скетча то есть его преобразования в формат, подходящий для выгрузки.
Вам стоит обратить внимание на Processing, если вы работаете над проектом, в котором плата Arduino должна обмениваться информацией с PC через USB или Bluetooth. Library for the NANO M6E RFID Module from ThingMagic Library for the TLC5940 IC. Четыре примера идет в комплекте с этой библиотекой. Компилятор сам заботится об этом и не включает имена переменных в скомпилированный скетч. В Arduino Uno имеется 1 Кбайт памяти ЭСППЗУ. Plotting library compatible with Sloeber IDE and SimPlot An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication. Homeyduino allows you to connect your Arduino projects with Homey. Схема соединения плат для этого примера показана на рис.
Azure HTTP protocol library for Arduino. После настройки их на работу в режиме выходов требуется сразу же установить на них уровень напряжения HIGH из-за инвертированной логики выбора ведомого, согласно которой напряжение LOW означает, что данное устройство выбрано.
Arduino и последовательный периферийный интерфейс SPI - Три других порта: Serial1 — к контактам 19 Rx и 18 Tx , Serial2 — к контактам 17 Rx и 16 Tx , Serial3 — к контактам 15 Rx и 14 Tx Протокол последовательного интерфейса Протокол последовательного интерфейса и большая часть терминологии появились еще на заре развития компьютерных сетей.
All Libraries A list of the 1579 libraries registered in the Arduino Library Manager. These are the helper functions for the 2020 Bot. A Girs infrared server for the Arduino platform. Low-power general-purpose data logger library, written for the Arduino-based ALog but expandable to other devices. RESTful API for the Arduino platform. A graphical user interface for Arduino based on the aREST API. A-Star 32U4 Arduino library A unit testing framework for Arduino platforms inspired by ArduinoUnit and Google Test. Library for A4963 brushless motor controler Arduino library for the Pololu A4990 Dual Motor Driver Shield Absolute positioning USB HID mouse library. Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors. Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Analog Accelerometer ADXL335. Arduino library to control Grove 3Axis Digital Accelerometer ADXL345. Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer ±400g. Arduino library to control Grove - 3-Axis Digital Accelerometer ±1. This is a library for Arduino to handle accessories like lights, motors. Allows an Arduino board to use the DFRobot Accessory Shield An adjustable, compact, event-driven ACE button library that handles debouncing and dispatches events to a user-defined event handler. Access the Bourns ACE-128 Absolute Contacting Encoder over I2C or digital pins Library for SSD1306-powered OLED 128x64 displays! Arduino library for Analog Devices AD7173 analog digital converter Library for AD7193 Sigma-Delta ADC with PGA The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital and analog sensors. Modified Firmata code to work with Adafruit's nRF8001 Breakout Arduino library for nRF51822-based Adafruit Bluefruit LE modules Arduino library for BME280 sensors. Arduino library for BME680 sensors. Library for the Adafruit BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor. Arduino library for the Adafruit CAP1188 8-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout Library code for Adafruit's CC3000 WiFi breakouts. This is a library for the Adafruit CCS811 I2C gas sensor breakout. All in one library to control Adafruit's Circuit Playground board. An interrupt-based GPS library for no-parsing-required use Adafruit's 128x64 Graphic VFD Display Library Arduino library for HDC1000 and HDC1008 sensors. Adafruit HMC5883L 3-Axis Magnetometer Breakout library using Adafruit's Unified Sensor Library. Arduino library for the HTU21D-F sensors in the Adafruit shop Adafruit 2. This is a library for the Adafruit 2. Library for Adafruit ILI9341 displays INA219 Current Sensor Arduino library to access Adafruit IO. Arduino library for the Adafruit IS31FL3731 Charlieplex LED driver and CharliePlex FeatherWing. Unified sensor driver for the L3GD20 Gyroscope Adafruit LED Backpack Library for our 8x8 matrix and 7-segment LED backpacks Fork of LiquidCrystal HD44780-compatible LCD driver library, now with support for ATtiny85. Library for the Adafruit LIS3DH Accelerometer. Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's LSM303 Breakout Accelerometer + Magnetometer Arduino library for LSM9DS0 9-DOF sensor board. Arduino library for LSM9DS1 9-DOF sensor board. Works with all Arduinos and the Mega Library for the Adafruit Motor Shield V2 for Arduino. Driver for the Adafruit MPL115A2 barometric pressure sensor breakout Arduino library for the MPL3115A2 sensors in the Adafruit shop Arduino library for the MPR121-based capacitive sensors in the Adafruit shop. MQTT library that supports the FONA, ESP8266, Yun, and generic Arduino Client hardware. This is a library for the Adafruit seesaw helper IC. Arduino library for the SI1145 sensors in the Adafruit shop Arduino library for the Si4714 FM+RDS Transmitter in the Adafruit shop Driver for Adafruit's Si5351 Clockgen Breakout Arduino library for Si7021 sensors. Arduino library to use the watchdog timer for system reset and low power sleep. SSD1306 oled driver library for Wemos D1 Mini OLED shield SSD1325 monochrome OLED library For 0. This is a library for the Adafruit TMP006 Infrared Thermopile Sensor Arduino library for Adafruit TMP007 Thermopile sensor Breakout Adafruit TouchScreen display library. Arduino library for the Adafruit TPA2016 D2 I2C controlled AGC audio amplifier Arduino library for controlling Adafruit Trellis Unified sensor driver for Adafruit's TSL2561 breakouts Library for the TSL2591 digital luminosity light sensors. Required for all Adafruit Unified Sensor based libraries. Arduino library for samd21 timer control mp3 decoder Sensor driver for VCNL4010 IR proximity sensor Sensor driver for VL53L0X Time of Flight sensor Sensor driver for VL6180X Time of Flight sensor Controls Adagio RGB Poollights over RS-485 Create Touch Sensors with a single Analog Pin without external Hardware Create Touch Sensors with a single analog pin without external hardware Arduino library to interface with the Argent Data Systems weather station sensor assembly. ADS1110 Driver 16-BIT ADC with Onboard Reference, PGA and I2C Interface An Arduino library with additions to vanilla Serial. Chainable methods and verbosity levels. Suitable for debug messages. AIO Modules for ESP8266 and Arduino AIS NB-IoT. Another JSON Streaming Parser Akafugu Four Letter Word Library Akafugu TWIDisplay Library Akafugu TWIKeyboard Library Akafugu TWILiquidCrystal Library Akafugu WireRtc Library Arduino Light Animation ALA library Allows for sending email and SMS from nothing but the ESP8266! Support for the AllSensors DLHR Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors. Support for the AllSensors DLV Series Low Voltage Digital Pressure Sensors. The library for the ALLBOT modular robotic system. Software emulated serial using hardware timers for improved compatibility A 14 segment LCD display library for Arduino AmazonDRS library for Arduino. A library that makes interfacing the Banggood Ananlog Keyboard easy. An Arduino library to capture button presses on multiple buttons through a single analog pin. AnalogTouch library for Arduino Annikken Andee Library for Annikken Andee U, Android and iOS boards. For use with the Annikken AndeeMobile Annikken Andee101 Library for Arduino 101 Precise animation of props or robots without the need for thread-blocking delay or complex state machines. Library for talking to various ANT radios from Dynastream Innovations. Enables ESP8266 to connect to Anto. Open Sound Control OSC Library for Arduino. A library to play audio voices on the Arduboy game system. The first Z80 emulation library for Arduino. The Arduboy core library. A library for playing musical scores and tones that is compatible with the Arduboy game system. Tiny 4x4 Font for Arduboy which contains the small ASCII Table from 32 to 127. The sprite for the font uses 192 bytes. A library for playing a sequence of tones, intended for use with the Arduboy game system. An alternative library for use with the Arduboy game system. Client library for websocket based communication with Archer Cloud panels. Interface your Arduino using my mobile app using bluetooth low energy. Support for Sensirion's Environmental Sensor Shield Librería más bien conjunto de macros para facilitar el uso de Arduino en castellano para principiantes. A library for implementing floating point Fast Fourier Transform calculations on Arduino. An arduino Library for Automation of Fritz! Server side minimalistic HTTP protocol implementation. An efficient and elegant JSON library for Arduino. Translate Wiring and CPP language to your native language. A combined library created to support the Arduino Learning Board project Library for the ArduinoLearningKitStarter ALKS board by RoboticsBrno with definition of pins and initialization of peripheries. Direct flash memory access, round robin virtual pages and EEPROM like memory. Flash, VirtualPage, NVRAM Use this library to control the OPL2 Audio Board OSC library for Arduino ESP, Teensy, AVR, etc. A library that allows for easy parsing of POST packages. A Library of Libraries of Sensors Open a TCP connection to a server from the Arduino using just serial. A port of uClibc++ packaged as an Arduino library. A simple to use library for the TEA5767 I2C FM receiver IC. A simple way to run Threads on Arduino Run an ArduinoThread just one time Flexible test framework for arduino projects. This library allows users to use network features like rest and mqtt. Includes some tools for the ESP8266. VNC Client for Arduino Websocket client library fast data sending. A library to control dynamixel motors Arduino Library for Thermal Printer Shieid Library to support Austrian Microsystems AS3935 lightning sensor. AsciiMassage is a microcontroller message packer and parser for the ASCII format in different protocols. A library to control a board using a stream e. Simple abstraction library implementing delays and timeouts. The Arduboy Tracker Music library. Arduino Library for the Atmel AT42QT1070 QTouch 7-channel Sensor IC via i2c. Allows playing audio files from an SD card. For Arduino DUE only. Get the fundamental pitch of an audio signal Allows playing audio files from an SD card. For Arduino Zero and MKR1000 only. Automated analog reads and analog output streaming using Arduino DAC or PWM , ADC, DMA and Timers ESP8266 WLAN configuration at runtime with web interface. Arduino Uno and Zero. Time functions for AVR Goldilocks, Uno, Leonardo, Mega. AVRUtils The library that supports the Awesome Shield PCB. SDK for AWS using ESP8266 The Library implements a set of methods for working with an axis joystick controller. Azure IoT library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing. Azure IoT Hub client library for ESP8266 via MQTT protocol. Azure HTTP protocol library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing. Azure MQTT protocol library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing. Azure C shared utility library for Arduino. For the Arduino MKR1000 or Zero and WiFi Shield 101, Adafruit Huzzah and Feather M0, or SparkFun Thing. A library that allows writing and highlighting code in local language. A library for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor. A library that displays double height characters on LCD displays. The ultimate bit manipulation tool. PMW3901 Optical flow sensor driver. An Arduino library for creating custom BLE peripherals. Nordic BLE SDK for Arduino for nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield, Blend and Blend Micro. A library to communicate with BLE Serial Modules A library to store generic configurations. Build a easy way for your project to communicate with smartphone, work with smartphone app Blinker. Arduino library for Plantower PMSX003ST family sensors. BlueDot library for BME280 sensors. BlueDot library for BME280 and TSL2591 sensors. BlueDot library for BME680 sensors. Build a smartphone app for your project in minutes! Provides a library for reading and interpreting Bosch BME280 environmental sensor data over I2C, SPI or Sw SPI. A library that makes it easy to code simple hardware interactions with the Arduino. Arduino library for sending sensor messages to Boodskap IoT Platform Boodskap IoT Platform Arduino Library Debouncing library for Arduino and Wiring. A library to communicate between an arduino and a computer. This library simplifies using the RN-42 Bluetooth Module Allows to move each Braccio parts using simple calls. Biblioteca de tradução e facilitação de funções para Arduino em PT-BR Enables the communication between the Linux processor and the microcontroller. A practical and easy to use generic HTTP client library for the Yun. A scriptable firmware and protocol for interfacing hardware. A library to use Brushless Motors with Servo syntax. Brzo I2C is a fast I2C Implementation written in Assembly for the esp8266 Arduino library for basic Bluetooth LE communication. An Arduino library for working with Buffers. Implementation of Arduino's Stream class which use internal ring buffers to emulate a pair of connected Streams or a Loopback Stream. Button is a tiny library to make reading buttons very simple. A library that makes easy to use button with debounce. Library for converting variables to bytes and reverse Arduino Hardware I2C for AVR in plain c Queue handling library written in plain c Builds a c-string with Print class methods into provided buffer A simple implementation of Signals and Slots for writing more flexible callbacks An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using CAN bus. Arduino library to control CAN-BUS Shield. Create capacitive sensors that can detect touch or proximity. Arduino Input Capture Library An Arduino library that takes input in degrees and output a string or integer for the 4, 8, 16, or 32 compass headings like North, South, East, and West. Connect a device to the Cayenne dashboard using MQTT. Simple multicast DNS name resolution library for Adafruit's CC3000 and Arduino. Arduino library that drives seven segment displays using CD4511B chips. A library for interfacing with the CD74HC4067 Mux. Easily manipulate date-times to perform scheduling, setup calendars and find points in time that are of interest. Enables communication between microcontroller and MIPS cpu. Natively support network communications, terminal linux and file access. A serial messaging library for the Arduino and. A simple and most powerfull cmd parser with small memory footprint CMMC Easy is a library for managing time without delay function MQTT Connector library CMMC OTA A simple CMMC Packet data structure. A library for CoDrone users The Codec2 library is a proof-of-concept for running the Codec2 audio codec on an Arduino-compatible Adafruit Feather nRF52 Bluefruit LE board. A wrapper for the CoinMarketCap. An Arduino Library for compass tilt compensation and hard iron offset ESP8266 WiFi connection manager Save config variable and edit them online. This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board. Allows communication with WiFi network for all Arduino boards. A library to have more control over the movement of a servo. Support library for CONTROLLINO PLC boards An IOT library for ESP8266 to provide WiFi Configuration, MQTT Client, OTA updates and more. Allow easy and reliable conversion between cartesian and polar coordinate system. Library for control of the Vishay VCNL4200 proximity and ambient light sensor package. Now includes limited interrupt support. An Arduino library for calculating a CRC32 checksum. This library allows communication with Phico Datavision LCD. Debug Trace component for Embedded Applications - Debug and Trace Log message system based on trace ports with adjustable levels. This is a library to control DCC devices. This library is made to build a basic Dcc controller on small Arduino Nano or Uno. Read and decode the atomic time broadcasted by the DCF77 radiostation. DCF77 decoder with excellent noise tolerance. A library for use with HamShield by Enhanced Radio Devices. Uses wheel encoder data on a differential drive robot to estimate position. Debug CLI for Embedded Applications - Command Line Interface for debugging and testing based on an object oriented tree structure. A terminal debugger with break points and data watches. A library for decoding IR signals. Lightweight, cooperative task scheduler with configurable sleep and task supervision. Most methods are unblocked. All methods are blocked. Tele-op and autonomous change over for WPI RBE platform. A library to control dimmable ballasts for fluorescent light tubes. Easy use of PWM outputs on SAMD21 for dimmer applications. Structure a collection numerical data to be sent through a stream into a well-defined packet. A library to drive stepper motors. A library that simplifies non blocking recurrent calls. Updated beta library for Freetronics DMD dot matrix displays. Enables DMX communication using the built-in serial port for Arduino boards UNO, Leonardo, Mega. Drive DMX controlled lights and visual effects available from DJ or theatrical suppliers. DMXUSB emulates an ENTTEC-compatible DMXKing USB to DMX serial device with one or two universes Arduino library to check for double reset on ESP8266 Library to detect a double reset, using ESP8266 RTC Memory. This library provides an interface to communicate with the DPS310. Configure and communicate with FM module DRA818. Manipulate your Dropbox files by ESP8266 Arduino library for the Pololu DRV8835 Dual Motor Driver Shield An emulator of the DS1307, which transform the Arduino in an RTC chip without actually having a physical RTC. Use a DS1307 Real Time Clock chip with the Time library Adding weekday alarms to the DS1307 RTC functionality A library to interface with Maxim DS1624 temperature sensor and memory. Arduino library for the DS3231 real-time clock RTC Arduino Library for Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks. This library directly interfaces Arduino and esp8266 microcontrollers to DSC PowerSeries security systems for integration with home automation, notifications on system events, and usage as a virtual keypad. Arduino library for the Pololu Dual G2 High Power Motor Driver Shields Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MAX14870 Motor Driver Shield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Shield Arduino library for the Pololu Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield DueFlashStorage saves non-volatile data for Arduino Due. Timer Library fully implemented for Arduino DUE Allows for CAN bus communications with the Arduino Due AVR dump RAM and Flash Get estimate time of sunrise and sunset given a set of coordinates. All in one library to run qfixSoccerBoard code on the Arduino A library to handle Buttons based on events. EMoRo 2560 library includes all specific libraries and examples for EMoRo 2560 controller. EasyBuzzer Library ESP8266 DDNS Update Client Library. Arduino library for easily using Adafruit NeoPixels. Library to read time from Network Time Protocol NTP servers. Easy, single function SSDP setup. A lightweight but powerful implementation of tasking manager. ESP8266 User Interface Library. A library for the EasyVR line of products. An easy-to-use web server It offers a set of APIs to easily make beginners use several different sensors and devices using only the Easyuino Monitor hydroponic nutrient levels, salinity levels in aquariums or the ocean, saltwater pools, soil salinity, water quality etc. Extended Database Library Display library for Arduino101. Library used for the completion of all the projects related to CTC A convenient library allowing one to use the EEPROM just like RAM. Extension of the standard Arduino EEPROM library. EEPROMWearLevel reduces EEPROM wear by writting a new value to an other EEPROM location. Driver for On Semiconductor CAT25 SPI EEPROM chips for AVR, SAM3X Due , and SAM M0+ SAMD, SAML, SAMC microcontrollers Library offering support for uStepper egoShield Library offering support for uStepper egoShield Makes coding responsive sketches easier. GUI for embedded devices Arduino library to drive multiple-digit 7-segment LED displays using HEF4094B, CD4094B, CD4094BMS, MC74HCT4094A and other 4094 shift registers. A C++ template library tailored for embedded systems. An Embedded Dictionary Server. Enables reading polyphase energy-monitor parameters of LVX EnergyBoard ESPectro development board library for Arduino IDE ESPert library for Arduino IDE pilight 433. Create Effort-Less Dashboards to Manage your ESP8266. Uploading UI file to Nextion display using ESP8266 SPIFFS Automatically saves exception details and stack trace to flash in case of ESP8266 crash. A library to send Wii extension controllers data over wifi. BLE functions for ESP32 Allows ESP32 boards to control servo motors using Arduino semantics. This Arduino library supports Simple Packet Coms for Esp32. A client library for ESP8266 to connect to NETPIE IOT Platform. MQTT Client for ESP8266 Self-assembling Mesh network built around the MQTT protocol supporting OTA A library to enable esp8266 platform to send and receive ping messages. ESP8266 Co-operative Multitasking SD Card Loader for ESP8266 ESP8266 based internet connected Weather Station mDNS queries and responses on esp8266. An improved EEPROM library for ESP8266 Grants easy access to the various sensors and actuators of the Esplora. For Arduino Esplora only. ESP32 and ESP8266 Web Interface Library IPv6 library for the ENC28J60, W5500 or W5100 Ethernet controllers Generate JT65, JT9, JT4, WSPR, and FSQ symbols on your Arduino. A full-featured library for the Si5351 series of clock generator ICs from Silicon Labs Enables network connection local and Internet using the Arduino Ethernet Board or Shield. Library for the Industruino Ethernet module Enables network connection local and Internet using W5500 based Ethernet shields. Arduino library to control Ethernet Shield W5200. Event-based programming library for Arduino A library providing the possibility to call a function at specific time intervals. A easy to use library for periodic code execution. Communication between Arduino microcontroller boards and a connected computers. Easily interface with Exosite's device HTTP API. Generates an exponentially growing array based on provided number of steps and maximum value. Arduino library to support external I2C EEPROMs. Power the basic 4 digits 7 segments display A library for FaBo 3AXIS I2C Brick A library for FaBo 9Axis I2C Brick A library for FaBo Color I2C Brick A library for FaBo Barometer I2C Brick A library for FaBo Proximity I2C Brick A library for FaBo Temperature I2C Brick A library for FaBo Humidity I2C Brick A library for FaBo KTemp I2C Brick A library for FaBo GPIO I2C Brick A library for FaBo 7Segment LED I2C Brick A library for FaBo LCD I2C Brick A library for FaBo LCD mini I2C Brick A library for FaBo OLED I2C Brick A library for FaBo RTC I2C Brick A library for FaBo Ambient Light I2C Brick A library for SiliconLabs BLE113. A library for nRF5x. A library for solving inverse kinematics in 2 dimensions using the FABRIK algorithm. A PID controlled implemented using fixed-point arithmetic. FAT file system based on open-source FatFS solution. The library array that is needed for the FCW Robot Model2. TI FDC2214 capacitative sensor library A general purpose Arduino MIDI sequencer library. Allows for servo-like functionality for finger control. For Atmega 2560 Almond PCB and Arduino Zero Chestnut only. Arduino examples for ADH-Tech's Fingerprint Scanners. FIR filter library for the Arduino. Enables the communication with computer apps using a standard serial protocol. This library implements the Firmata protocol as a set of plugins that can be used to create applications to remotely interface with an Arduino board. Control a relay by specifying a period and duty cycle. A library for implementing fixed-point in-place Fast Fourier Transform on Arduino. It sacrifices precision and instead it is way faster than floating-point implementations. A template library for defining fixed point types of varying sizes. A library to wrap accessing and writing to flash The FlashStorage library aims to provide a convenient way to store and retrieve user's data using the non-volatile flash memory of microcontrollers. Arduino library for FlexiPlot. Library for easy handling of digital outputs on Midwest737Simulations. Library for easy handling of Switches and Buttons in X-Plane with PJRC's Teensy FRAM library for Industruino Real Time Operating System implemented for AVR Uno, Leonardo, Mega. FreqCount measures the frequency of a signal by counting the number of pulses during a fixed time. FreqMeasure measures the elapsed time during each cycle of an input frequency. Smart library with comprehensive functions for counting multiple frequencies. For Arduino Uno and Zero. Library to drive Freetronics OLED128 128x128 display. Freetronics RGBLED module WS2801-based driver library. Enclosure and Universal Hardware for IoT Gadgets. Collection of Libraries for the Gadgetron software. Create your own games on a fun and retro console. Make your first game within hours. A library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Technology Will Save Us. Infrared communication library for the DIY Gamer Kit by Tech Will Save Us Gaussian math, Kalman Filters and Moving Averages made easy A library for creation of graphic multi-level menu. Arduino library to debounce a pushbutton. GoPRO API library for Arduino Basic to advanced line following, intersection detection, basic motor control, battery monitoring, gripper control, and basic collision detection with the Gobbit robot. DAC MCP4822 functions for Goldilocks Analogue Firmware for SPI solid state memory including SRAM, FRAM, EEPROM devices for Goldilocks Analogue Demonstrates JWT generation for connecting Arduino clients to Google Cloud IoT Core. Arduino library to control Grove - 125KHz RFID Reader. Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digitial Compass v2. This is an Arduino library for Grove 3-Axis Digital Compass HMC5883L. Arduino library to control Grove 3-Axis Digital Gyro base on ITG 3200. Arduino library to control LSM303DLH. Arduino library to control Grove Air Quality Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove barometer HP20x. Arduino library for controlling Grove Barometer Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove - Barometer Sensor BMP280. Arduino library to control Grove - Chainable RGB LED. Grove Encoder Library Arduino library to control Grove - Haptic Motor. Arduino library to control Grove - High Temperature Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove - I2C Color Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove I2C Motor Driver. Arduino library for controlling Grove IMU 9DOF, using I2C communication. Arduino library to control Grove - Infrared Emitter and Grove - Infrared Receiver. Arduino library to control Grove - LCD RGB Backlight. Arduino library to control Grove LED Bar. Arduino library to control Grove - LED Matrix Driver. Arduino library to control Grove - LoRa Radio 868MHz and Grove - LoRa Radio 433MHz. Arduino library to control Grove Mini Track Ball. Arduino library to control Grove - Multichannel Gas Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove - OLED Display 0. Arduino library to control Grove - Q Touch Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove - RTC DS1307. Arduino library to control Grove Serial MP3 Player V2. Arduino library to control Grove SHT31 Temp Humi Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove - Sunlight Sensor. Arduino library to control Grove Temper Humidity TH02 Arduino library to control Grove Temperature And Humidity Sensor, it contains chip DHT11 AM2302. For all Arduino boards BUT Arduino DUE. A library for GSM Playground device. A library which manages GSM modules. Biblioteca de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas. Biblioteca de controle de diversas plataformas roboticas. Biblioteca para amostra do funcionamento da Super-Biblioteca Guarateca, para o controle das mais diversas plataformas roboticas. A library to control hakale kit. A library to define communication between HaLakeKitFirst blocks. A library for use with HamShield by Enhanced Radio Devices. A library for use with HamShield by Enhanced Radio Devices. A spinoff of the Wire. This library allows you to communicate with I2C and Two Wire Interface devices, and control each step of any I2C transaction. Allows an Arduino board to use HCSR04 module. Extensible hd44780 LCD library. A library for communicating with Herkulex smart servos. Control up to four DC Motors and read their currents with this shield. Extended HID Functions for Arduino Library to access Honeywell HIH61xx humidity and temperature sensors. Code to control HL1606-based LED strips All the joy of HL1606 LED strips but with 9 or 12 bit color control! Homeyduino allows you to connect your Arduino projects with Homey. A library that makes it easy to use the HP03S-sensor. Library to easily make HTTP GET, POST and PUT requests to a web server. Philips Hue library for Arduino. Arduino library to control Microchip HV518 Arduino library for the HX711 24-bit ADC for weight scales Allows anyone to control H-Bridge for Hyperduino Arduino library for I-Bot camp. Provide access to all functions of the I2C Soil Moisture Sensor from Catnip Electronics. Support for I²C digital temperature sensors derived from the LM75. Arduino library for scanning I2C bus for devices Arduino port of the LMIC LoraWAN-in-C, formerly LoraMAC-in-C framework provided by IBM. Arduino library for sending and receiving messages over the BMW infotainment bus IBUS. Arduino library for control Ingenia Servo Drives using serial communication. Library to read and parse. Bibliotheek om gebruik te maken van het InkyBoard van InkyCode Simple polling input debounce Arduino library. A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on IoTtweet. A library that makes Internet of Things send data and control on IoTtweet. A library that makes Internet of Things NB-IoT device send data and control on IoTtweet. Client library for using the iobeam cloud. A powerful key-value store for all data storage needs. An Ion Specific Electrode Probe Interface With the fastest possible Arduino-compatible GPIO and register manipulation... It's the biggest of hits when you need to bang bits! An Arduino library to control LEDs Arduino library for J1850-Arduino-Transceiver Arduino library to debounce button switches, detect presses, releases, and long presses. Easy include OTA Updates A CPPM Library for Arduino. A Cooperative Scheduler Library for Arduino. Revisited Arduino Wire Library. IoT library for using the Tsl2561 luminosity sensor Jpeg decoder tested with Arduino Mega, Arduino Due and ESP8266 based NodeMCU 1. Client library for kRPC, a Remote Procedure Call server for Kerbal Space Program. Library for the Velleman K1200 watch. A library for detecting state change on analog and digital pins. KeyMatrix is poll event library for matrix keypads. Convinient way to map a push-button to a keyboard key. This library utilize the ability of 32u4-based Arduino-compatible boards to emulate USB-keyboard. A library for creating custom-keyboard firmware. Keypad is a library for using matrix style keypads with the Arduino. KniwwelinoLib Base Library for the Kniwwelino Board A library that enables creating KNX devices powered by Arduino. A trustless and decentralized Bitcoin library for Arduino compatible boards High level library for use with the KTM-S1201 LCD A library to control motors with the L293x motor driver and L298x compatible modules L298N library for Arduino Arduino library for Pololu L3G4200D, L3GD20, and L3G4200D boards This library is to display analog values in an LCD display. A library that lets you apply special effects to LCD text. A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display. A library to draw some customized progress bar on any LCD display. This library is made to build sophisticated User Interface on Arduino for text Lcds. A library for I2C control of the LCD03 20x4 and 16x2 serial LCD modules from Robot Electronics. Arduino library for ST7032 LCD controller with i2c interface Simple scheduler that run little tasks within IRSs Simple scheduler based on watchdog that runs little tasks within IRS Driver for the Lectrobox Keypad Shield. Driver for the Lectrobox DB-15 PC Joystick Shield. A library for the MAX7219 and the MAX7221 Led display drivers. Print text to an Avago HCMS-29xx LED display. Adjustable LED brightness on every IO pin with software-controlled blinking A replacement for Arduino's LedControl library for MAX7219 Arduino library to perform synchronous blinking operations with LEDs and NeoPixels. A client library for MQTT messaging. Arduino library for Garmin LIDAR-Lite. This library allows to drive LEDs to simulate railroad signals. Position controllers for linear actuators with low-cost components. A fully implemented LinkedList made to work with Arduino projects Allows communication with alphanumerical liquid crystal displays LCDs. A library for I2C LCD displays. A library for driving LiquidCrystal displays LCD by using the I2C bus and an PCF8574 I2C adapter. Menu creation Arduino library for LCDs, extends LiquidCrystal. A lightweight OSC processing library. Allows for easy writing to Lixie Digit displays! Gets the raw value of LM35 and tranform to Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin. This library for Arduino allows you to use the LM35 temperature sensor. M2M Solutions LM75A Arduino library. An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios. An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRaFi board and LoRa module. Arduino library for LoRa modules based on SX1272 or SX1278 chip LoRa Node library for Arduino LoRa Node Shield. Library for serialization of data on the Arduino side and deserialization in the TTN Enables Digitrax LocoNet Communication Simple but useful macroses for logging. Allow use printf with Serial for logging. Extendable logging library for ESP8266 Lightweight, no-frills logging for Arduino and friends An Arduino library for serial logging. Proto-scheduler based on the use of millis Lightweight power management library Controlling library for strands of LPD6803 LED pixel dots. ADC library for PulseRain M10 board. CODEC library for the Si3000 CODEC on PulseRain M10 board. DTMF library for PulseRain M10 board. Examples for PulseRain M10 board. I2C library for PulseRain M10 board. JTAG UART library for PulseRain M10 board. Library for LCD Interface Library for PS2 Interface PWM library for PulseRain M10 board. Auxiliary Serial port library for PulseRain M10 board. Library for Seven Segment Display SRAM Microchip 23LC1024 library for PulseRain M10 board. Library for M5Stack Core development kit SD Card Loader for M5 Stack Helpers for MadgwickAHRS algorithm Arduino library for the MPS MagAlpha magnetic angle sensor. Decode data from TTL raw magnetic card readers. A complete interface for the the Maxim MAX1464 Multichannel Sensor Signal Processor for Arduino. This Library supports the MAX30100 Pulse Oximetry IC Maxim-IC MAX30100 heart-rate sensor driver and pulse-oximetry components Serial communication using MAX3100 USART chip. A version of the DallasTemp Arduino library with MAX31850 support Requires OneWire with MAX31850 support! A version of the OneWire Arduino library with MAX31850 support Arduino library for interfacing with MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier The Library implements a set of methods for working with a thermocouple based on the MAX6675 driver. MCP3221 Driver 12-bit ADC with hardware I2C Interface Library to support Microchip ADC342x analogue to digital converters. MCP9802 Driver 12-BIT Temperature Sensor with I2C Interface Arduino Library for Microchip MCP9808 Maximum Accuracy Digital Temperature Sensor. TFT Library for 2. Library for using a AD9833 Programmable Waveform Generator. Library for FIFO queue implemented as a Ring Buffer. Library for device independent LED Cubes. Library for using a DS1307 Real Time Clock. Library for using a DS3231 Real Time Clock. Library for digital switches. Library for using a LM335A temperature sensor. Implements functions to manage a panel of MAX72xx based LED modules Implements functions that allow the MAX72xx eg, MAX7219 to be used for LED matrices 64 individual LEDs Library for displaying and managing menus on displays with with up to 2 lines. Implements functions for the MSGEQ7 7 band equaliser IC LED matrix text display special effects Library for Rotary Encoder Library for TCS230 TCS3200 Colour Sensor Tic-Tac-Toe game logic library Library for User Interface switches. This library is used for connecting your Arduino device to Meeo. Library for storing data in the eeprom, processing serial messages and plotting data with MegunoLink. This is the library that be used in www. MiCS-6814 Gas Sensor I2C Interface Library Arduino debugging support library uECC Compact Arduino library to parse NMEA sentences. An Arduino library for the Microchip RN487x A library that makes, easier work with Midea Air Conditioners. Arduino library for the DS7505 temperature sensor. Easy to use and lightweight stopper A timer library for working with millis. Code to assist with running MINDSi robots Code to assist with running MINDS-i Drones Library for Arduino miniDAC module by Tamojit Saha and Sandeepan Sengupta. Support library for MKR WAN 1300 MLX90393 magnetometer library. Library for the Freescale MMA8652 3-axis accelerometer Enlighten your Arduino to be a Modbus master. A library package commonly used by the other libraries being published by Geabong ModuleInterface is an open-source system for configuration of and data logging from Arduinos and similar devices. A library that provides support for Modulo hardware. Simple library for H-Bridge MotoMama. Motor Driver Library for Arduino Shields with L293D and 74HC595 Arduino library to control Motor Shield V2. This is the Arduino library for the MOVI tm Voice Dialog Shield. A simple Arduino library for calculating moving averages. Library for playing MP3 files Arduino library for easy communicating with the MPU6050. It controls MPU9250 MQTT library for Arduino Run an interrupt function using Timer2 Library for digital pressure sensors MS5xxx by Measurement Specialties MEAS. Library for Musicvisualization with MSGEQ7 Drive multiple LCDs like a single LiquidCrystal object. An Arduino library to drive multiple pins with the same API. A library driver for matrix 4x3 or 4x4 keypad supports multi-tap and long-tap. Arduino library to control Music Shield V2. An algorithm to play musical notes easier, with the help of Bhagman's Tone library, without Delay. Mouse's Utilities for Arduino Home Automation Framework Connects Arduino using Arduino Ethernet-compatible shields including the Ethernet Shield and WiFi Shield. Enables easy access to the sensors and actuators of the Arduino NanoPlayBoard. A simpler and lighter NDN protocol for local IoT contexts. Intermediate printing class for reducing the number of writes. Arduino library for easy creation of LED strip animations, based on the NeoPixel library. An efficient replacement for SoftwareSerial at baud rates 9600, 19200 and 38400. A library to display numbers and letters on Neo7Segment displays. Artificial Neural Network architectures for Arduino Arduino library to control Grove - NFC Tag Connect all your favourite Nintendo Controllers to your Arduino. Support Nunchuck, GameCube controller and Game Port joysticks on STM32F1 Enables NMRA DCC Communication Nokia 5110 LCD driver Arduino library for driving the Nokia 5110 LCD Nokia 5110 lcd library for Arduino Non-blocking Arduino library for playing RTTTL melodies. TX library for noolite 433 MHz communication protocol. A high-level abstaction over Sds sensors family. The Library implements a set of methods for working with a NTC thermistor. An Adafruit GFX driver for the Oak OLED an SSD1306 with no reset line Arduino library to access OctoPrint API. Supported OLED display chip: SSD1306 or SH1106. Supported Interface: I2C internal driven A library to Olympic Robotic Challenge competition and supporting the official kit. Arduino libary for improving the usage of a singe input button. It allows you to control your 1Sheeld s. Access 1-wire temperature sensors, memory and other chips. OneWire slave device emulator with support for up to 32 simultaneous 1wire devices. Onion library for use with the Arduino IDE and the Arduino Dock. A library for Arduino OPC Server support. Open Pixel Control OPC Server Library for Arduino The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton 32bit boards. The Cyton is the main one. The library for controlling OpenBCI Cyton 32bit SD cards. The library for OpenBCI Ganglion board. Please use the DefaultGanglion. Look through the skimmed down versions of the main firmware in the other examples. The library for OpenBCI RFDuino system for GZLL The core of the OpenBCI Wifi Shield. Arduino library to send and receive data from Opentherm devices. Decode data from Oregon sensors. Open Sound Control OSC An Overly Simplified FileSystem for storing thing in the Arduino's EEPROM Ospom is FaceBook for your Arduino. Arduino Particulate Matter Sensors for GP2Y1010AU0F. Pseudo-random number generator A library to run Pablo, an Arduino based drawing machine An Arduino Library that facilitates packet-based serial communication using COBS or SLIP encoding. HTML string assembly aid library for ESP8266WebServer. This library helps you manage Pin Change Interrupts: subscribe and receive change events. Playback of short audio samples. Arduino library for TI PCM51xx DAC ICs software configuration via I2C. Persistent WiFi Manager PetriNet Library A convenient library allowing structures and variables stored in PROGMEM to be read directly. Library for Pin Extention Infterface library for pinduino PJON is an open-source, multi-master, multi-media bus network protocol A Universal Hardware Library for 1. An object-oriented library for creative physical computing. Plotting library compatible with Sloeber IDE and SimPlot An Arduino library for easy plotting on host computer via serial communication. Driver for the Digilent PmodCLS LCD device Arduino library for Plantower PMS sensors. A library that makes Internet of Things send data to PointzNet. C++ library for the Arduino IDE that allows you to control an LCD that uses the Hitachi HD44780 protocol. Arduino library for addressable RGB LED strips from Pololu Pololu Maestro Servo Controller library for Arduino Arduino library for the Pololu qik dual serial motor controllers Pololu Raspberry Pi I2C Slave Arduino library A simple library to make multifunction buttons. The simplest library to print in paper using 3 axis The library for the Printoo modules. Library for Pro trinket to turn it into a mouse! An OOP multitasking library Library for the ProtoCentral ADS1220 breakout board Library for the ProtoCentral FDC1004 breakout board This is a library for the ProtoCentral MAX30205 Body Temperature Sensor PS2 keyboard FULL control and ALL keys processing, as well as LED control. PS2 keyboard codes from PS2KeyAdvanced to UTF-8 for any Latin language keyboard. A client library for MQTT messaging. Tools for easier usage of PubSubClient Pubnub SDK for Arduino. Send and receive multiple high resolution PPM encoded signal streams. PxMatrix LED MATRIX library Library implements linked lists Set the voltage of a Quick Charge 2. Sets the voltage of a Quick Charge 3. A simple QR code generation library. Arduino library for the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensors Queue handling library. A library of functions to build a digital balance Simple driver for the HX711 ADC. Allows you to program Quirkbots. Real BASE64 Function Library Generic A library that makes working with buttons simple. Handle CapacitiveButtons, powered by the CapacitiveSensor library Handle MPR121Buttons, powered by Adafruit's MPR121 library Handle PushButtons, debounced using the Bounce2 library. Arduino driver for Radiation Watch Pocket Geiger sensor Library for controlling FM radio receiver chips. A library that manage interpolation beetween values. Enables the communication between Arduino and RAPIFIRE platform. Read and debounce buttons and switches. Measure change in capacitance. Detect human presence, touch, and pickup events. Read and calibrate photoresistors. Control many motors without delay. A simple interface for serial communication. Control many servos without delay. Set and check numeric quantile scales. Manage many timed events. Measure and calibrate water level sensors. An Arduino library for the nRF8001 products such as the BLE Shield and Blend. A library to add support for rc receivers. Compact version of RC Switch Simulated Reactor communication protocol. An Arduino library for Redis that works on ESP8266. Build custom user interfaces to control your devices using your smartphone. Simple relay usage The Library implements a set of methods for working with a digital relay module. Arduino library for eliminating noise in analogRead inputs without decreasing responsiveness Enables sending REST messages using Arduino Ethernet. Library reference for RFExplorer 3GP IoT A library for NRF24L01 + communication. A library for NRF24L01 + devices mesh. A library for NRF24L01 + devices network. A library that stores 32 bit identifiers and associated names to EEPROM which can be used to as a basis for RFID access control applications. Simple Arduino library for SPI flash memory chips This library for Arduino allows you to control RGB led. Arduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop Calculate an RGB color according to a progression. A library that manage 4 legs rgb leds colour and light duration. A basic RGB LED blending library. An Arduino library for the Microchip RN487x Allows control of Rokenbok Education ROKduino robotics system. This library allows you to get data from the Robopoly Linear Camera. This library allows you to use all the functions of the Robopoly PRismino and the Robopoly Shield. This library allows you to read up to four encoders at the same time. Enables easy access to the controls of the Arduino Robot Control board. For Arduino Robot only. Bibliothèque de pilotage simplifié de RobotDuLAB. Allows controlling the Arduino Robot via an IR remote control. For Arduino Robot only. Enables easy access to the motors of the Arduino Robot Motor board. For Arduino Robot only. A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics MP3 Playback Modules. A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics Data Storage Modules. Arduino lib for fast digital reads and writes. A library that makes interfacing DS1307 and DS3231 Real Time Clock modules easy. An Arduino library to easily perform scheduled tasks. Allows to use the RTC functionalities. For Arduino Zero, MKRZero and MKR1000 only. A simple RTC4543 library. A library that plays Rtttl melodies A color sensor library for Arduino Simple library for S4A EDU Robotic Controller. Allows multiple tasks to run at the same time, without interrupting each other. For Arduino sam and samd architectures only Due, Zero... ScreenUi is a simple user interface library for character based LCDs like those commonly used with Arduinos. Enables reading and writing on SD cards. Nova Fitness SDS011 dust sensor library Simple seconds counter Seeed wio gps board Arduino library. Arduino library to control Seeeduino GPRS. Use this to command the SCMD and connected chain. Access SPI Serial Flash memory with filesystem-like functions Arduino library to read RFID tags from ID-innovations RFID readers e. Arduino Hardware Serial Terminal A user interface through the serial channel menus, sub-menus, input requests and command execution and a GUI back-end, with support for navigation through the menu hierarchy and online help. Library to configure a servo to oscillate around a center point. A library that makes detecting changes on an analog input simple. Turns your Arduino into a seven segment display controller! Connect 4 digit seven segment display via SPI interface A mature and flexible seven segment display driver. Allow to control both common-anode or common-cathode 7 segment displays Arduino Library for using common anode seven segment display Arduino library for controlling custom-built, pixel based 7 segment displays. Simplifies usage of shift registers, designed for the 74HC595. A library to convert byte streams of packets into floats. A library for creating portable atomic blocks within your program Simple Seven Segments library for Arduino. Makes intergrating non interrupting lighting behaviours easy! A library for communicating with the Six Axis Shield. A library that allows you to easily controll a 6-digit 7-Segment Multiplex Matrix A library that sets the Arduino into sleep mode for a specified length of time, or until an interrupt SlipMassage is a microcontroller message packer and parser for the SLIP format in different protocols. This library allows to move multiple servos slowly. Arduino library to control Small e-paper Shield V2. Optimize the Arduino setup routines. A Library with Samples for the Parallax Smart Card Reader. A library to communicate with the Rogue Robotics SmartDial. Library code for the TDK-SP13808 module. Drive multiplexed RGB matrix panels from your Teensy 3 Arduino library for controlling the Smartcar platform Get ADC to return averaged values. Flexible thermistor reading library. Move your SnappyXO robot more precisely. An Arduino library for the DS3231 RTC Real Time Clock. An Arduino library for the HTS221 sensor. An Arduino library for the ST LIS3DE. An Arduino library for the LPS22HB sensor. An Arduino library for the ST LSM303AGR. An Arduino library for the uBlox nbIOT modules. An Arduino library to deal with PCINT Pin Change Interrupts An Arduino library for the Microchip RN2483. An Arduino wrapper for the Watch Dog Timer. Audio Jack Modem Library for Arduino. A software library to produce a 50 percent duty cycle PWM signal on arbitrary pins. SoftTimer is a lightweight pseudo multitasking solution for Arduino. A controller library for the SOMO-II MP3 decoder A library to support cheap ultrasonic sensors on I2C bus SmartHome Networking Framework Enables the communication between interactive objects using WebSockets. For Arduino Yún only. Provides functionality of 10-segment bar graphs. This is an Arduino library for SparkFun's Color LCD Shield Library for the SparkFun Flexible Grayscale Display. Library containing functions for SparkFun Graphic LCD Serial Backpack Library for the Panasonic GridEYE Thermopile Array - AMG88 Library for the DRV2605L Haptic Motor Driver HTU21D temperature and humidity densor breakout. Library for the AK9750 PIR Human Presence Qwiic Board Arduino library showing basic functionality for the ISL29125 RGB Light Sensor Breakout Board. Library to operate the 8 position line sensor array for robots. A library to drive the STmicro LIS3DH by SPI or I2C. A library to control the Texas Instruments LP55231 9-channel LED driver. Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Pressure Sensor - LPS25HB. Library for the 9 degree of freedom IC -ST Micro's LSM9DS0. Library for the MAX30102 Pulse and MAX30105 Proximity Breakout K type thermocouple digitizer board. A simple library to interface from Arduino to BlueSMiRF to MetaWatch Driver library for SparkFun's MG2639 cellular shield. Library for the SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout. The MicroView is a chip-sized Arduino with a built-in OLED, available from SparkFun Electronics SparkFun MiniGen library allows the user to generate sine, square, or triangle waves at up to 3MHz, and approximately 1Vp-p. Arduino Library for the SparkFun MiniMoto board, which uses the TI DRV8830 IC for I2C low-voltage DC motor control. Library for the PCA9536 on the SparkFun Qwiic RGB Sensor 4-axis stepper motor driver, available from SparkFun Electronics Library for the SparkFun Qwiic LED Stick Library for the SparkFun Qwiic OpenLog A library to drive the RV-1805 extremely precise, extremely low power, real-time clock Provides control to the SparkFun RedBot. Library for the NANO M6E RFID Module from ThingMagic Library for the TLC5940 IC. An Arduino Library for the TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor Breakout from SparkFun Electronics. Arduino Library for interfacing the SparkFun VKey Voltage Keypad. Library for the SparkFun Qwiic Proximity Sensor 20cm - VCNL4040 Library for the VEML6075 on the SparkFun Qwiic UV Sensor Library for the SparkFun Qwiic 4m Distance Sensor - VL53L1X The VL6180 combines an IR emitter, a range sensor, and an ambient light sensor together for you to easily use and communicate with via an I2C interface. Arduino library for controlling the Transparent OLED Heads-Up Display from WiseChip The ZX Sensor uses infrared light to determine the distance from an object and where the object is located on the X axis between IR LEDs , available from SparkFun Electronics Arduino Library for interfacing with the T5403 Barometric sensor. TFT library for SPFD5408 Simple Arduino library for SPI flash memory chips SPI Memory library for Arduino. Formerly SPIFlash Arduino Library for 20T202DA2JA SPI VFD SPIFFS Read Server Spritz library for Arduino, CSPRNG, cryptographic hash and MAC functions, symmetric-key data encryption, and some general-purpose functions. Simple library for serial SRAM IC's Driver for Microchip Technology Inc. Text display on small momochrome OLED modules. Arduino Library for controlling the SST Nor Serial Flash SST25VF family. Advanced arduino library for HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors. Report metrics using statsd Library that provides access to all the STEAMbot facilities. Library for controlling STEMI Hexapod v2. Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of stepper motors. For all Arduino boards. Stepper Motor Controller for 28BYJ-48. Stepper Library for 5V Stepper Motors 28BYJ-48 with ULN2003 Driver MOS6581 Stereo SID Emulator Arduino Library Multi-digit seven-segment display library for arduino. Provides several examples for the Arduino core for STM32 MCUs. Provides several Function Packs that combine the usage of several X-NUCLEO boards Real Time Operating System implemented for STM32 Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature. This library provides the LoRa® driver for the expansion board I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1. This library includes drivers for Inventek Systems WiFi device named ISM43362-M3G-L44. Power save primitives features for STM32 boards 260-1260 hPa absolute digital output barometer. Quad-SPI NOR Flash memory library. Allows performing simple gestures detection using proximity sensors Allows to use the RTC functionalities of STM32 based boards. Enables network connection local and Internet using the STM32 Board. Enables reading and writing on SD card using SD card slot of the STM32 Board. Allows controlling the VL53L0X Time-of-Flight and gesture detection sensor Allows controlling the VL6180X proximity and ambient light sensing ALS sensor Allows controlling the VL53L0X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-53L0A1 Allows controlling the VL6180X sensors on board of X-NUCLEO-6180XA1 Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 expansion board Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IHM02A1 expansion board Allows controlling the ST Microelectronics X-NUCLEO-IKA01A1 Expansion Board Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 expansion board Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 expansion board Allows controlling the ST Microelectronics X-NUCLEO-LED61A1 Expansion Board Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 expansion board Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1 expansion board Allows controlling the ST X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 expansion board Debugger for Arduino Stream-based communication BufferedPrint stream for effective networking. ChunkedStream for HTTP chunked encoding. CStringBulder builds a c-string with Print class methods. And printf function with formatting String from F macro. Arduino String Splitter Library Easy to use and lightweight led light pattern player Multifunctional Arduino button. A SVG GUI library for ESP8266. Output to a touch display and also as webservice Software implementation of a Real-Time Clock for Arduino boards and Atmel microcontrollers. Simple Wireless Abstract Protocol SWAP library for ISM radios Commandline for GPIO, I2C and CPU manipulations Smart library for debouncing switches and buttons. Arduino Uno and Zero. Arduino library and hardware files for the SX1509 IO Expander Breakout board. Library for the Talk2 Boards. A library that makes creating complex mulitple task projects easy. A light-weight cooperative multitasking library for arduino and esp8266 microcontrollers. Arduino library for the MPico TCM2 E-Ink timings module Technoshield User Interface API. A DMX library for the Teensy. An Arduino driver for the Benewake TFMini time-of-flight distance sensor. For all Arduino boards. Arduino library to control 2. Arduino library to control 2. The Things Node Arduino Library. The thingface client library for Arduino Helps connecting your Arduino board to Thing+ cloud easly and fast Simplest kernel for multythreading. Support for the TI TCA9584A Low-Voltage 8-Channel I2C Switch with Reset. Tic Stepper Motor Controller library for Arduino Timekeeping functionality for Arduino Perform tasks at specific times or after specific intervals. Arduino library to facilitate time zone conversions and automatic daylight saving summer time adjustments. A small Arduino library for GPRS modules, that just works. Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2130 stepper drivers Arduino library for Trinamic TMC2208 stepper drivers Makes using a TMP36 temperature sensor even easier! A software digital square wave tone generation library. This is an Arduino Library to produce a tone on any Arduino pin. Library to generate Time-based One-Time Passwords Arduino library for Touch Screen Driver. Capacitive touch wheels and sliders using only 2-3 analog pins! A library for controlling a triac dimmer. ESP8266 Simple-Pair library that exchange basic data without connecting WiFi Allows you to read data from the analog accelerometer ADXL335. Allows you to read the temperature and humidity from the DHT series sensors. Allows you to read the Illuminance from the light sensor GL5528. Allows you to read the temperature from the TMP36 sensor. Triad Semiconductor library for configuring the TS4231 Light to Digital Converter. Triad Semiconductor library for the TS8000 Ultrasonic to Digital Converter. Library for interfacing with the Tsunami's hardware peripherals. Control a Kato or Tomix style two-wire turnout. Tiny and cross-device compatible CCITT CRC16 Bit Per Bit or Byte Per Byte calculator library - uCRC16BPBLib Tiny and cross-device compatible CCITT CRC16 calculator library - uCRC16Lib Tiny lib to enode and decode FM and MFM data streams Micro Multi Tasker specifically designed for ARDUINO UNO, MEGA and DUE boards. Really tiny library to basic RTC and EEPROM incorporated functionality on Arduino. DS1307 and DS3231 RTCs are supported with AT24C32 EEPROM. Also temperature sensor is supported for DS3231. Really tiny library to basic 7 segments displays Library offering support for uStepper Tiny and cross-device compatible timer library Monochrome LCD, OLED and eInk Library. Display controller: SSD1305, SSD1306, SSD1309, SSD1322, SSD1325, SSD1327, SSD1329, SSD1606, SSD1607, SH1106, SH1107, SH1122, T6963, RA8835, LC7981, PCD8544, PCF8812, HX1230, UC1601, UC1604, UC1608, UC1610, UC1611, UC1701, ST7565, ST7567, ST7588, ST75256, NT7534, IST3020, ST7920, LD7032, KS0108, SED1520, SBN1661, IL3820, MAX7219. Interfaces: I2C, SPI, Parallel. Add U8g2 fonts to any Adafruit GFX based graphics library. A library for monochrome TFTs and OLEDs Ubidots library for the Arduino YUN Ubidots library for the Adafruit FONA Ubidots library for the Arduino GPRS sim 900 Library for sending data to the Ubidots cloud using ESP8266 based systems Ubidots library for an XLR8 board with a WINC1500 A library for the fastest and simplest communication with u-blox GPS modules. Library for the Industruino 128x64 LCD True color TFT and OLED library, Up to 18 Bit color depth. Supported display controller: ST7735, ILI9163, ILI9325, ILI9341, ILI9486,LD50T6160, PCF8833, SEPS225, SSD1331, SSD1351, HX8352C. Ethernet library for ENC28J60 Interface the HC-SR04 sensor and ping sensor to Arduino. Minimalist library for ultrasound module to Arduino A library to use an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor Unified Log for Serial, MQTT, etc. A non-blocking Arduino library for controlling 28BYJ-48 stepper motors. Arduino library for reading multiple input devices of different types. Arduino Telegram Bot library for multiple different architectures. Implements Serial1 of Arduino Uno WiFi Developer Edition board to access the on-board ESP8266 Allows the communication with USB peripherals like mice, keyboards, and thumbdrives. Pause and restore USB interrupts Allows an Atmega32u4 based Arduino board to detect if the host, it is connected to, is active or shut down. Allows arduino to read data from some vbus compatible controllers. Support a vector display via USB serial, WiFI or Bluetooth Library to make reading Vernier sensors used on a Vernier Interface Shield easy. Virtual memory library to easily extend RAM. A library package commonly used by the other libraries being published by vitcon A library for interfacing arduino device with VITCON IoT service. A library package for interfacing the microcontroller with VITCON Link modules. A library for interfacing arduino-based device with MQTT using VITCON WIFI-LINK. VL53L0X distance sensor library VL53L1X distance sensor library VL6180X distance and ambient light sensor library The library for the Velleman VMA11 FM stereo arduino shield and the MM100 mini-module. Arduino voltage reference library Gives tone functionality with 8 bit volume control with no extra parts Gives tone functionality with 10-bit volume control with no extra parts! Gives tone functionality with multiple waveforms and 8-bit volume control - with no extra parts! Device library interfacing VS1053 MP3 player chip to Sd Card. Very Simple Control Protocol L1 framework for all Arduino boards. WatchDog Timer Functions WebSockets for Arduino Server + Client Advanced webserver for Arduino. A library for creating Web Things using the Web of Things API A library for creating ESP8266-based Web Things using the Web of Things API A library that supports to use BLE to connect and cotnrol the wedo2. For all Arduino boards. Arduino WiFi library for ESP8266 Enables network connection local and Internet using the Arduino WiFi Boards. ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with fallback web configuration portal Allows an user to dynamically add and remove saved WiFi APs. Windows Virtual Shields for Arduino allows an Arduino to communicate and control Windows devices running open-source Windows Universal Application. Wio 3G board dependencies and 3G module driver. Arduino library to control Wio LTE Arduino Library. The LTE module driver for Wio LTE. A library to simplify sending data via I2C aka TWI. Update firmware on SAMD based boards using I2C Library for Wire : I2c protocol Arduino Wrapper for Wire librarry for SAM, ESP8266... Timer based on Arduino millis function, supporting OOP principles and interoperating with Arduino yield and delay functionality. Helps using your Arduino board to Wi-Fi easily and fast Helps using your Arduino board to Wi-Fi easily and fast Library for 100+ Word Shield and LBT WS2812 FX Library for Arduino and ESP8266. Library for talking to to various wireless XBee modules from Digi. Arduino library to take advantage of XLR8 ADC performance. Arduino header file defining addresses common to the XLR8 family. Template for building custom designs for XLR8 OpenXLR8 Core components Arduino library for access to the extra pins available on an XLR8 Snō. Arduino library for hardware accelerated floating point math. Library to access UART XBs. Arduino library for identifying features of XLR8 product Simple LFSR example on the XLR8 FPGA. Arduino library for controlling single-wire-based LED pixels and strip. Pong game using the FPGA logic. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board. Arduino library for hardware accelerated quadrature encoder control. Allows Arduino boards to control a variety of servo motors. For Alorium Technology's XLR8 board. Library to use SPI interfaces through SPI XBs. USB FullSpeed Mouse host interface Library to access I2C XBs. Touchscreens using the XPT2046 controller chip. XXTEA Encryption Library for use in IoT gadgets Pololu's Arduino library for the XYZrobot Smart Servo A1-16 Simulate a Yaesu FT-857D radio from the CAT point of view. An asynchronous Arduino Library for debouncing A library to support Pin Change Interruptions PCINT on AVR Arduinos An Arduino Library to receive data from Wiegand card readers. Library for working with a remote control sensors based on the YK04 driver. Library to connect to YouMadeIt!